Blood Brain Barrier and Inflammatory Cell Types in the Human CNS

In our last article, we introduced mast cells, their origins and morphology, and summarized how they are activated during IgE-mediated allergic responses. Here, we shift gears and explore how mast cells, together with microglia and the blood brain barrier, contribute...
Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury

Like with any part of the body, your brain can get injured. You may have heard this referenced under many names such as a concussion, stroke, shaken baby syndrome, cerebral contusion or a traumatic...

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Why are we all different colors?

Why are we all different colors?

Wherever you are right now, take a look around at anyone nearby. If you're alone, picture some people you've seen recently. Consider how hands, hair, mouthes, eyes, on everyone are all different...

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Dopaminergic Neurons in Parkinson’s Disease

Dopaminergic Neurons in Parkinson’s Disease

A friend of my family was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease (PD) a few years ago. She was, and still is, a very active member of her community. She hosts prayer evenings, children's groups to teach...

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An Introduction to Dementia

An Introduction to Dementia

It's 7am. I wake up full of excitement. I'm 9 years old and today I'm going to have my first Christmas. I slip out of bed. The floor is icy so I dance on edge of balls of my feet to the door....

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What is Epilepsy?

What is Epilepsy?

A girl is laughing. She is sitting in the kitchen munching on peanuts, enjoying the cracking of the shells and joking with her sister. Her parents are relaxing nearby; all is well. Looking at the...

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