Tempo-iNStem ™
Human iPSC-derived Neural Progenitor Cells
Human iPSC-derived Neural Progenitor Cells
Neural stem cells are self-renewing, multipotent cells that can generate neurons and glial-specific cellular lineages. Primarily, neural stem cells differentiate into neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. Neural progenitor cells are adult stem cells committed to their neural and glial lineages.
Tempo-iNStem™ cells are induced neural progenitor cells reprogrammed from human fibroblasts or blood cells using proprietary foot-print-free stem cell technologies. iNStem™ cells are cryopreserved at low passage numbers. Each vial will maintain 5 subsequent passages and expansions without spontaneous differentiations. Cells have been tested to be able to differentiate into multiple neural and glial subtypes. Each vial contains >1 x 106 cells. iNStem™ cells are characterized via standard morphological examinations and via immunocytochemistry methods against known marker proteins (such as Vimentin).
Tempo’s iNStem™ are human iPSC-derived neural progenitor cells. They are derived from integration-free induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines under a fully defined proprietary neural induction condition. Tempo’s iNStem™ cells are polarized structures when plated as a monolayer in culture and express markers such as Vimentin. We have validated iNStem™ cells to be multipotent neural and glial progenitor cells, as they can be further differentiated into neural and glial cell types under specific in vitro serum-free/integration-free reprogramming conditions.
Tempo-iNStem™ are intended for basic scientific research, drug discovery and therapeutics development use only. It is not a product for human testing or diagnostics.

Phenotypic Assays

High Content Imaging

Biomarker Discovery

Cytotoxicity Assays

Target Validation

Lead Optimization

Investigative Toxicology

Nonclinical Efficacy Evalutions

Live-cell Imaging

2D & 3D Cell Culture

Biomarker Authentication
>0.5×10^6 cells per 1ml of freezing medium (vial)
Long-term Storage: liquid nitrogen
Growth Properties: adherent
Storage: remove cryovials (dry ice packaging) and place the vial into liquid nitrogen for storage. Alternatively, thaw and use the cells immediately.
Technology used: an in-house developed proprietary non-viral, nucleic-acids-free, feeder-free, serum-free, and integration-free reprogramming technology.
QC: Sterility, Safety (BioSafety Level 2), HIV/viruses, bacteria, fungi: negative. Cell viability post-thawing (>90%)
Tempo-iNStem™ SKU100