Human iPSC-derived Melanocytes
Human iPSC-derived Melanocytes
Melanocytes are cells that produce melanin and they reside mostly in the epidermis (top) layer of human skin, as well as in the hair follicles and iris. Melanocytes form a heterogeneous group of cells, and they are also found in multiple regions in the human body (such as the inner ear). Their lineage as a cell type arises from neural crest cells. In the human skin, the ratio of melanocytes to keratinocytes is 1:10 (which is independent of ethnicity) in the epidermal basal layer.
Tempo-iMel™: human melanocytes are derived from human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines under a fully defined proprietary reprogramming and maturation conditions. Tempo’s iMel™ cells are branched elaborate structures when plated as a monolayer in culture and express biomarkers such as Vimentin, S100beta, and cytokeratins. iMel™ can be used under maturation conditions, co-culture conditions (with fibroblasts, keratinocytes or additional epidermal subtypes), and short-term functional characterization studies.
Tempo-iMel™ are intended for basic scientific research, drug discovery and therapeutics development use only. It is not a product for human testing or diagnostics.

Phenotypic Assays

High Content Imaging

Biomarker Discovery

Cytotoxicity Assays

Target Validation

Lead Optimization

Investigative Toxicology

Nonclinical Efficacy Evalutions

Live-cell Imaging

2D & 3D Cell Culture

Biomarker Authentication
~1.25×10^6 cells per 1ml of freezing medium (vial)
Long-term Storage: liquid nitrogen
Growth Properties: adherent
Technology used: an in-house developed proprietary non-viral, nucleic-acids-free, feeder-free, serum-free, and integration-free reprogramming technology.
QC: Sterility, Safety (BioSafety Level 2), HIV/viruses, bacteria, fungi: negative. Cell viability post-thawing (>90%)
Tempo-iMel™ SKU130