Tempo Bioscience Projects & Assays

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Our science team is an experienced group of PhD-level scientists within Tempo Bioscience. We understand that you need assay data quickly and cost-effectively for your projects to move forward to the next step. Please reach out to us regarding our frequently requested assays (listed below).

Custom Assay Designs

Human Blood Brain Barrier Assays

Using Transwells, the human blood brain barrier is simulated using Tempo-iBMEC as a single cell type or as a member of the multi-cell-type BBB model (with Tempo-iPeri and Tempo-iAstro). Permeability and transcytosis properties are evaluated.

Immuno qPCR Assays

Combining Taqman qPCR and ELISA, we have developed “Immuno qPCR” methods that quantitatively measure “micro-tissue” samples and detect biomarkers at ~100X improved sensitivity.
SKU2011 Immuno-qPCR TempoProbe
SKU2012 Immuno-qPCR TempoMixture Set

Neurite Outgrowth Assays

Neurite extension or retraction is a phenotypic assay that can be applied to a variety of drug development projects and basic research areas. We can use Tempo-iCort, Tempo-iSenso, and/or Tempo-iMotorNer neurons in teh assay to measure drug candidates’ impacts on neurite health

3D spheroid-organoid Assays

3D cell cultures capture physiologically relevant phenotypes that are critical for the drug development process. 3D spheroids-organoids can be composed of a single cell type or multiple cell types. We have built 3D brain spheriods-organoids and 3D liver spheroid-organoids to model a variety of diseases

LIVE-cell ATP Assays

ATP is a ubiquitous molecule that measures cellular activities. Our LIVE-cell ATP assays are quantitative, kinetic, and image-based. They measure cytosolic ATP, extracellular ATP, or synaptic ATP

LIVE-cell Mitochondrial toxicity Assays

Functions of mitochondria are critical for many cell types. Our LIVE-cell mitochondrial assays are quantitative, kinetic, and image-based. They measure mitochondrial calcium which is an indicator of mitochondrial health

Microfluidic Chips Assays

A variety of microfluidic chips can be utilized for 2D or 3D spheroid-organoid assays. Each assay can be customized to project’s specific requirements. We work with a variety of collaborators to provide the most appropriate chip device for an assay project.

Custom Engineered Models

iPSC Derived Disease models

We work with a variety of human samples for iPSC derivation purposes. For some projects, we procure human samples (such as whole blood, PBMCs, skin cells, or other cell types), derive iPSCs from the samples and differentiate the iPSCs to iPSC derivative cell types. For other projects, scientists ship their iPSCs to our facility. And, we expand the iPSCs for biobanking purposes and differentiate the iPSCs to iPSC derivative cell types. To date, we can manufacturer >25 iPSC-derivative cell types in bulk (i.e., >200 million per cell type).

3D Spheroid/Organoid Models

Multiple cell types can be assembled into 3D spheroids and organoids. Depending on the assay endpoint and goals, we custom engineer spheroids and organoids by defining the percentage (%) of each cell type in the 3D composition. This approach provides greater control and precision for the assays (+ analysis). Also, spheroids and organoids can be assembled in a time-efficient manner (~2-3 weeks) and are easy to scale.

Please contact Tempo Bioscience Support Team to receive a PDF copy of:

  • Biosensors-based stem cell models for drug discovery focusing on rare seizure disorders Cell Symposia 2016
  • Biosensors for Research & Drug Discovery SLAS2015
  • iPSC models to improve efficiency of drug discovery and development IPI (Summer 2018 Volume 10 Issue 2)
  • Human iPSC based Cell models for drug discovery and preclinical development CHI’s World Preclinical Congress Europe 2018
  • Human iPSC based cell models improve efficiency of drug discovery and development Pharma R&D Week 2021

Discuss with our science team